Attendance and Absences

What Will Happen if You're Absent...

The link to the districts attendance policy is provided here.

Regarding my classroom on absences:

  • If you know that you will be absent, please let me know before hand so I can prepare to get you caught up on what you missed
  • If you don't expect to be absentĀ (you are sick or go home sick) please reach out to me or a classmate to find out what you missed. When you return, we will catch you up on any work you missed.
  • Given that your absence is excused, (as defined by the districts policy) you will receive an extra day for everyday you were absent to turn in the work you missed for full credit (if you are absent for 2 days, you have 2 days after you return to school to hand in your work).
  • If you do not hand in your work within the given timeframe the penalty will be the same as noted in the Homework and Grading Policies tab.